I'm get tired of people saying they're too old to skate, it normally comes from an early 20 something kid and I normally just laugh. Being of a certain age shouldn't stop you doing what makes you happy. Maybe I had these same feelings as I was growing up too, wondering how long will this last etc. This year I'm hitting up 40 and I'm having more fun than ever.
Pushing street skating well into their late 30's. Yah Bru 3 is the latest video installment from this London Over 30's gang. Luckily I grew up with a few of the lads too and I chatted with Brewster briefly about the project.
RC - We're part of the generation that's starting to see how far/old street skaters can go, how long their bodies can last etc. I know it's not the same as going Chris Joslin or Jaws doing the biggest thing you can find, but, with moderate skating can you see it ever ending?
MB - I suppose it depends really. Brendan is 40 this year and still skating handrails, killing it. I’m a year younger and the last couple of years my body has really deteriorated. I’m in physio right now for a knee problem and a recurring ankle injury I got in Australia about 13 years ago, so unfortunately I think that’s the last video I’ll be in. Most of the time I got out ‘for a skate’ I don’t even take my board due to injuries. I know I’ll roll around as long as I can but the other lads have got plenty of life left in them yet.
RC - That's a shame love a bit of Spanky footage. Who's involved in the crew?
MB - Crew is currently me, Brendan Ryall, Ben Phillips, Kevin Parrott, Ed Davis, Tom Ball, Michael Daley, Gavin Coetzee, Dave Turner, Steven Crawford, Si Skipp and Chris Morgan. That’s three over-40’s
RC - That's some heavy hitters right there, and the average age?
MB - Average age is 37
RC - Do you find members of the public treat you differently being an older skater?
MB - Yeah, I think people know we aren’t dickhead kids, and some of us are getting grey hair, so when security or the general public try to throw us out of a spot we can reason with them a little better.
RC - This is the 3rd video now, have you had requests from other skaters of a similar age wanting to get involved?
MB - Yeah, totally. Getting Si Skipp out and filming was amazing, he’s an Essex legend! Our crew is so much fun and Brendan does an amazing job of getting that across in the videos. I think as we’re older we know our time being able to skate is limited, so people are up for filming because they want some kind of record of their achievements, and a reminder of the good sessions we have. And also people are needing some male bonding time away from wife/kids etc.
RC - You could definitely see the fun aspects coming across well. Have middle-age-shred seen it? It's a little different to scratching a slash in a bowl.
MB - I have no idea but yeah it is a little different: we don’t have any park footage in the last vid so sorry fellas, no bowl/ramp footy!
RC - And finally what does WASC mean?
MB - WASC stands for 'What a sick cunt' (Aussie slang). We use it a LOT
Ha ha, Thanks Brewster, top lad. Watch all the Ya Bru's below and forget about that age thing get shredding while your legs still work.
Yah Bru 3 from Brendan Ryall on Vimeo.
If you haven't seen one and two just keep scrolling.Yah Bru! from Ben Phillips on Vimeo.
Yah Bru 2 from Brendan Ryall on Vimeo.
Brendan Ryall
Thanks for posting this. Hyped!
Mark pretty much hit the nail on the head. Just skating with friends and having fun, thats the point right? Who says only the younger lads can do that.
Injuries definitely take more of a toll as you get older. “Nothing over knee high” is the general rule, with some exceptions… Yah Bru 3 is all street because Im trying to avoid the stereotype of old guy/ bowl troll, Although a lot of the guys in my crew love a good tranny session., Myself Included.